Autonomous Flight Systems

Fight wildfires more EFFECTIVELY.
Supply remote towns more RELIABLY.
Reach survivors more QUICKLY.

The solution is here:


(Quad Multi-mission Aerial Platform).

Airports are optional.


Autonomous Flight System Inc. has locations in Vancouver Canada, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and Arlington Washington. We design, develop, and manufacture autonomous and semi-autonomous aircraft. Our primary focus is the development of large-size, unmanned, vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, with transitions to and from horizontal flight.

We designed and flight-tested an aircraft that takes off vertically, effortlessly transitions between hover and horizontal winged flight, and lands vertically.

Our Quad Multi-mission Aerial Platform combines the best of both helicopters and airplanes. It is ready to revolutionize air support sectors as diverse as aerial firefighting, airfreight, search and rescue, infrastructure surveillance, and many more point-to-point air support tasks.

Our Technology

QMAP: The gold standard for smooth VTOL transitions, minus the expensive tech.

Scalable and aerodynamically stable by design.

QMAP aircraft employ our proprietary Airflow Optimized Shared Lift technology perfected over several years of R&D, and flight testing.

Our Vision

Runways Optional

We envisioned an advanced, versatile, multipurpose, vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that flies on its wings when in horizontal flight.
We wanted an aircraft with the VTOL utility of a helicopter combined with a fixed-wing aircraft’s range and payload advantages.

Ultimate Versatility

We wanted to create a flying platform capable of quick adaptation to carry varying payloads, and our technology delivers on that vision. We expect the uses to include: forest fire fighting, humanitarian missions, search and rescue, cargo delivery, reconnaissance missions, and many other applications that would benefit from point-to-point dispatch.

Green Power

We wanted clean electric propulsion.
Battery propulsion is not yet practical for aircraft applications; therefore, hybrid propulsion is an excellent option. Our hybrid-electric aircraft require lower power for a horizontal flight resulting in lower fuel consumption and dramatic reductions of harmful emissions.


Commercial Aviation

Point to Point travel with no airport

Supply Chain Integrators

Shifting distribution (Big cities -> Small towns)


Geography & Industrial Survelliance

Natural Disaster

Operational Aid & Response


Remote geographies with no airports


Operational Aid and Response




Speed to market and complex supply chains

Search & Rescue

Extended range, greater capacity, less cost


Support for emerging markets

We Have Eliminated the Limitations

Off airport point-to-point dispatch

Excellent versatility and payload capacity

No costly airport infrastructure

Endless Opportunities

We have scalable Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft technology.

We have invented technologies that solve the challenging transitions from vertical to horizontal flight and back.

We have technologies that radically differ from the competition, enabling increased payloads and extended range.

Condor-1000 Advantages

Take off vertically, flies efficiently on wings, allows long-range with excellent payload

No pilot at risk for hazardous flights

A single pilot monitors up to four drones simultaneously

On-site staffing is limited to pilots and ground crew facilitating refueling and attending to tank exchange operations

Transportable by a tractor-trailer as a unit means deployment requires minimum preparation

Flight operations do not require highly experienced pilots to be effective

Operational flexibility of switching pilots, even during flight operations

Continuous 24-hour operation


AFSI's aerial firefighting drone – Condor-1000 – is a disruptive technology that will augment current fire intervention methods adding rapid deployment capability to challenging environments.  Our QMAP-based drones and trailer transport technology will provide a complete solution. A four-drone squadron in one mobile unit can drop up to 60,000 liters per hour.

Length 8 m 26 Feet
Height 1.5 m 5 Feet
Empty weight 1,540 kg 3,400 Pounds
Max takeoff weight 2,640 kg 5,800 Pounds
Cruise speed: 240 km/h 150 Miles per hour
Range: 600 km 370 Miles
Water tank capacity 1000 liters 265 Gallons

Our Team

Our multi-disciplined, committed team are dedicated to bringing this project to the next level.

Geof Dolejsi

Business Development

Daniel Martins, MSc

Guidance Engineer

Tim Horsfall

Certified UAV Test Pilot

Daniel Heim

R&D Lab Director

Ed Dolejsi

Founder, CEO

(with grandson/future VTOL Pilot)